During the day, exiting the front door unveils the stunning scenery of the lush Italian countryside. While much of my time with Martha is Dead was spent navigating the tight halls of this specific house, some respectably sized exterior areas add a compelling sense of scale to the game.

The various trinkets scattered throughout Giulia's family home all seemed purposeful and contributed significantly to the believability of these locations. The quaint shared bedroom of Martha and Giulia felt cozy and comfortable, while the darkroom for film development in the basement felt tense and foreboding. I've certainly never been to 1944-era Italy, but it was easy for me to get lost in the fantasy of this world because of how well set pieces were staged. The hyper-realistic graphical style in Martha is Dead adds an enormous sense of familiarity and relatability to environments. Even in its most tense moments, it's hard to ignore how gorgeous Martha is Dead is.