As of J41.7 million units have been sold worldwide according to Microsoft. The console sold out completely at release with the exception of Japan. It is the first console to provide a near-simultaneous launch across three major sales regions (Europe, Japan and United States). The Xbox 360 was officially unveiled on MTV on with detailed launch and game information divulged later that month at E3. The Xbox 360 is the successor to the Xbox and competes with Sony's PlayStation 3 and Nintendo's Wii as part of the seventh generation of video game consoles. Its Xbox Live service allows players to compete online and download content such as arcade games, game demos, trailers, TV shows and movies. It was developed in cooperation with IBM, ATI and SiS. It wasn't the best game in the world, but Black always stood out to me as having that really satisfying blend of audiovisual prowess and pure gameplay that PS2-era Criterion excelled at.The Xbox 360 is the second and latest video game console to be produced by Microsoft. I was so smitten with Burnout 3 upon revisiting it recently that I ended up ordering a copy of Black off of Amazon to get some more of that Criterion PS2 goodness. Criterion Games were really something during the PS2/Xbox era, and in my eyes Burnout 3 was Criterion firing on all cylinders. If you have the means to revisit Burnout 3, I highly recommend that you do and see how well it has held up. I can say that even more confidently now that arcade racers of this ilk have become exceedingly rare in the current market. The core gameplay of racing aggressively and dangerously to build boost and wiping out opponents is executed better here than anywhere else in the series, IMO, and I haven't played a better arcade racer since. This game is still just as excellent as it ever was, and honestly I'd buy a simple 1080p remaster in a heartbeat.

Inconsistent performance and poor image quality plagued many PS2 games (even some of the greats), so revisiting them now after having grown accustom to more polished games in those departments makes those shortcomings stand out to me more than ever before. Some of them feel old in a way that they didn't when I'd revisit them only a few years ago prior to the current gen of consoles.

But I've found that some PS2 games are starting to show their age when I revisit them now.